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Clamp uninstall procedure#

operation description Each filter are held on the carousel using two clamps (1 X- & 1 X+) , on each side of the filter. When there is no filter engaged in a given carousel slot, the associated clamp(s) can be un-installed if needed.
operation time \~1h
triggered by monitoring analysis Analyzing the filter exchange operation should allow to identify a decrease in performances of a given clamp. The identification of the issue / the trigger for a maintenance is still under investigation.
triggered by incident recovery Clamping-Unclamping failure may trig the dismounting of a clamp, to allow for a clamp inspection or replacement.

Clamp install procedure#

operation description Each filter are held on the carousel using two clamps (1 X- & 1 X+) , on each side of the filter. When there is no filter engaged in a given carousel slot, the associated clamp(s) can be (un)-installed if needed.
operation time \~1h
triggered by monitoring analysis Analyzing the filter exchange operation should allow to identify a decrease in performances of a given clamp. The identification of the issue / the trigger for a maintenance is still under investigation.
triggered by incident recovery Clamping-Unclamping failure may trig the dismounting of a clamp, to allow for a clamp inspection or replacement.