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Slip-ring collector (un)install - inspection#

operation description The slip-ring collector does the electric connection between the electronic on the rotating pat of the carousel, and its static part: when the carousel rotates it keeps the connection to the static slip-ring “bus” , which includes power and BusCan, using the carbon brushes of the slip-ring collector. There is xxx? such slip-ring collectors distributed on the carousel ring. They are all identical and this redundancy grants a good electronic interconnection between the mobile and fixed part of the carousel. This documentation describes how to replace or access for inspection the slip-ring collector.
operation time \~1-2h
triggered by monitoring analysis An increase of the number of communication errors with the mobile part of the carousel could indicate a degradation of the slip-ring collector carbon brushes. An inspection /replacement of the collector(s) could then be considered.
triggered by incident recovery Due to the redundancy/the number of slip-ring collectors, a student interruption of communication with the mobile part of the carousel due to the slip-ring collector is unlikely, still a short due to a broken brush of one slip-ring collectors is a possibility.