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Command description#

The command unlockClamps unlocks both carousel clamps for the carousel socket which is at STANDBY.



This command has to be sent to component carousel.

Conditions to execute unlockClamps#

  • Both carousel clamp controllers : clampXminusController and clampXplusController must not be in fault.
  • A carousel socket must be stopped at STANDBY.
  • The autochanger (or the fake autochanger in standalone mode) must hold the filter.
  • Signals Carousel_CS & AP1 & AF1 & AF3 must be on.

Know if unlockClamps is completed.#

Command unlockClamps is completed with success if both clamps are in state :



To unlock carousel clamps at STANDBY there are 2 controllers :

  • clampXminusController to unlock clampXminus1 to clampXminus5
  • clampXplusController to unlock clampXplus1 to clampXplus5

The command unlockClamps does :

  1. checks if conditions of unlocking are respected.
  2. enable both clamps controllers
  3. send a small current to both controller to prepare the clamps mecanique
  4. send currentToUnlock to both clamps, where currentToUnlock is a clamp's configurable parameter.

            // Following a request from Guillaume Daubard, we first send a small current
            // to the clamp to prepare it and prevent an unstable state when we send the
            // full current to unlock.
            this.clampXminusController.writeCurrent((short) -100);
            this.clampXplusController.writeCurrent((short) -100);

            this.clampXminusController.writeCurrent((short) this.clampXminus.getCurrentToUnlock());
            this.clampXplusController.writeCurrent((short) this.clampXplus.getCurrentToUnlock());

The configurable parameters for clamps unlocking are configurable parameters of components carousel clamps : clampXminus1 to clampXminus5, and clampXplus1 to clampXplus5. Each clamp could have its own value.

  • currentToUnlock : value of current to be sent to the motor to unlock the clamp, example of value : -3200
  • timeoutForUnlocking : maximum of time to unlock a clamp

Troubleshooting and recovery#

Check Local Protection System#

On FCS OVERVIEW Panel, all the following signals must be green (ON) :

  • Carousel_CS (socket stopped at standby) AND
  • AP1 (AC at standby) AND
  • AF1 (filter detected on AC) AND
  • AF3 (filter locked in AC)


If state UNCLAMPED ON FILTER is not reached#

At the end of command unlockClamps clamps state at STANDBY should be : UNCLAMPED ON FILTER.

Let's say that you want to unlock socket3. On the fcs GUI, select socket3.

Clamps State should be UNCLAMPED ON FILTER like below :

Check Clamps State.

This can happen if one clamp is UNCLAMPED ON FILTER and the other is UNDEFINED like below where clampXminus3 is not UNLOCKED :

Example of Clamps State UNDEFINED.

In this case, you have to unlock the clamp which is in state UNDEFINED.

If an ALARM is raised during execution of command unlockClamps#

An ALARM can be raised during carousel clamps unlocking by the carousel clamp controllers if they detect an error.

Usualy when a controller encounters an error, it stops the motion.

The actions for recovery are :

  1. check the error messages on the controller

  2. solve the issue regarding the message

  3. reset the errors on the controller

  4. restart the unlocking in sending the command again.

There is 2 ways to unlock only one carousel clamp :

  1. sent command unlock to the clamp with the Command Browser, example for clampXminus3

  2. sent a current to the clamp controller : this method is to be used only if the previous one doesn't work and if you are an expert of the carousel.

To send a current to the clamp controller :#

See Controllers documentation

To unlock carousel clampXminus when socket3 is at STANDBY, send the following commands to clampXminusController:

writeCurrent -3200


Do not send commands to a controller unless you are an expert of the Filter Exchange System.