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Controller commands#

In Filter Exchange System motor are controlled by EPOS controllers.

For each action, high levels commands first check if the action is safe for the hardware and when it's safe send a command to the controller to start and stop the action.

Sending an action command directly to a controller is very dangerous and can dammage hardware. However these commands can be used in recovery procedures when high levels commands have failed.


Do not send commands to a controller unless you are an expert of the Filter Exchange System.

See the list of CAN open devices to control and monitor in user manual.

The names of the controllers can be seen on the ccs-console under the menu :

  • Changer CANopen devices for carousel and autochanger
  • Loader CANopen devices for loader.

EPOS Official Documentation#

Check and reset controllers fault#

EPOS controller keep the history of errors it encountered in its memory.

A table of errors can be found in the user manual. There are standard CANopen errors or EPOS devices specific errors.

To check errors#


This command has to be sent to component controller. A controller is knowned by its name.


checkFault is a read only command so it's not dangerous.

To reset errors#



This command clears faults on the controller and clears alarm that was raised for this fault by the controller.

From the ccs-console#

From the ccs-console, under the menu : Changer CANopen devices, there is a panel for each controller.

On the top right of the controller panel there is an Error panel.

It's possible to check and reset fault from the controller panel with the 2 buttons :

  • CheckFault
  • FaultReset

Example with carouselController.

Check and change mode#

Enable and disable#

CURRENT mode commands#

When a motor controller is in mode CURRENT, a value of current can be sent to the controller in order to send a current to the motor.


Do not send commands to a controller unless you are an expert of the Filter Exchange System.


writeCurrent <current>

where <current> is a value of current in mA.

This command has to be sent to component controller.

The controller must be enabled first with command enable.

PROFILE_POSITION mode commands#