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Description of moveEmptyToHandoffAndClose#

The command moveEmptyToHandoffAndClose moves empty carrier loader to HANDOFF and close loader clamp.

It's a sub command of the command unloadFilter.

It is a sequence of actions :

  • Move loader carrier to position HANDOFF with care : at high speed, but slow develeration.
  • Close loader clamp.


close command lets the clamp in state CLOSED.

This sequence of actions is done with the following sequences of commands :

  1. carrier/raiseProfileVelocity
  2. carrier/raiseProfileAcceleration
  3. carrier/slowProfileDeceleration
  4. carrier/goToHandOff
  5. clamp/close


If the homing of the clamp comtroller has not been done before, it is done automaticaly just before the execution of command close.



The command moveEmptyToHandoffAndClose has to be sent to component loader.

Conditions to execute moveEmptyToHandoffAndClose#

  • Loader carrier has to be empty.


To know if loader carrier holds a filter, use loader command isEmpty.

Local Protection System for command moveEmptyToHandoffAndClose**#

AP2 & AF3 must be ON