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Description of openClampAndMoveEmptyToStorage#

The command openClampAndMoveEmptyToStorage moves empty loader carrier from HANDOFF to STORAGE. It's a sub command of the command loadFilter.

It is a sequence of actions :

  • Open loader clamp.
  • Move loader carrier with the filter to position STORAGE at high speed.

This sequence of actions is done with the following sequences of commands :

  1. clamp/open
  2. carrier/raiseProfileVelocity
  3. carrier/raiseProfileAcceleration
  4. carrier/raiseProfileDeceleration
  5. carrier/goToStorage



The command openClampAndMoveEmptyToStorage has to be sent to component loader.

Conditions to execute openClampAndMoveEmptyToStorage#


To know if loader carrier holds a filter, use loader command isEmpty.

Local Protection System#

AP2 & AF3 must be ON.